Blissful Self
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a perspective 

the ages 
o n     r e l i g i o n
The aim of religion is the manifestation of the Divinity that is already present in humankind - Swami Vivekananda.

The Ascension of Jesus (The Ascension), by Harry Anderson.

"...He that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do..." - Christ Jesus

Recommended Reading:

Paramhansa Yogananda. 2004. The Second Coming of Christ. The Resurrection of the Christ Within You - A revelatory commentary on the original teachings of Jesus. USA: Self-Realization Fellowship.

Swami Omkarananda. 2007. The Divergent Mind Must be Channelized.

Swami Omkarananda. 2007. Your Inner Existence is God.